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Welcome to the Official Site of Oxford Lawyers Without Border's 3rd Annual Conference
21st Century Rights
Modernisation and the Human Rights Agenda
This website is designed to do several things:
1. Give you practical information about the Conference
2. Familiarise you with our Conference Concept and speakers
3. Invite you to engage in Pre-Conference debate about the proposed 21st Century Human Rights
The Concept in brief

In light of development, globalisation, population growth and changing political expectations, this Conference invites you to take a step back and reconsider what the fundamental elemetns of a Human Rights are in the 21st Century.


Which rights deserve this normative status and which serve to weaken the meaning of a Human Right in the areas most deserving of protection? When does context force a reconsideration of content?

A morning panel will focus our attention on these questions by considering problems that have arisen around:

1. The Right to Food Security

2. The Right to Privacy


In the afternoon separate panels will consider the creation of:

1.The right to transparent transactions

2.The right to a sustainable environment 

3. The right to be forgotten 



We remain very grateful to our Society sponsors, without whom this Conference would not be possible:












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